Tips on safaris are a local custom in East Africa; but tips are not mandatory and nobody should solicit guests for tips on any of our tours. If you would like to offer a tip to any person who offered great service during your tour; here are our guidelines:- (Bar tips can be 1 US Dollar at the bar after your drinks session. Waiters and luggage porters can be tipped 1 – 5 US Dollars per meal sitting or per luggage porterage. Safari driver-guides can be tipped 5 to 10 US Dollars per guest per day. Smaller groups of 2 to 3 pax per vehicle may consider the higher tip range; while bigger groups of 4 to 6 pax per vehicle may tip on the lower range. This accounts for the extra dedicated service given to smaller groups). Please note that this is just a rough guide; but the specific tip amounts can vary depending on how you evaluated the service provided or other local factors. You will be the final decision-maker on the tipping amounts and please feel comfortable because any tip amount will always be greatly appreciated with a warm heart and an African smile. All tips can be paid in any currency; Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Franc, Yen, local Shillings etc.