Safari Vehicle and Transport Options

4 by 4 Safari Landcruiser
This vehicle is a high clearance four-wheel option, with a pop-up roof. The vehicle can manage virtually all road conditions during your Great Wildebeest Migration Safaris and Tours.
Each vehicle has six window seats in the back and one extra seat next to the driver. The pop-up roof and large windows allow you great views as you enjoy your safari or tour.
This vehicle has the largest room/ interior space, compared to our other field vehicles.
4 by 4 Safari Van
This vehicle is a lower clearance four-wheel option, with a pop-up roof. The vehicle can manage virtually all road conditions during your Great Wildebeest Migration Safaris and Tours.
Each vehicle has six window seats in the back and one extra seat next to the driver. The pop-up roof allows you great views as you enjoy your safari or tour. Windows are slightly smaller compared to our 4 by 4 safari landcruiser.
This vehicle has a little less room/ interior space, compared to our 4 by 4 safari landcruiser.